APK Extractor Lite APK Free Download (Latest Version)

Are you looking for the latest version of the APK Extractor Lite App? Yes, then you can download the latest version here with a single click.




About APK Extractor Lite


If you are new to Android smartphones and the world of apps that you can download and use, it is best to get started with APK Extractor Lite, a useful way to save Android apps and install APK files on your smartphone or tablet. Android applications come with straightforward ways for installation which makes them easy for most; since Google Play is the application store that offers all kinds of Android apps at your fingertips, it also handles the way apps are downloaded, installed, updated, and so forth.

However, there could be times when Google Play malfunctions or you need to download an Android APK file from other sources. This might be required for backup or for safekeeping. When you have to do it manually, there are certain steps to take such as making sure that you save the right version of the application or the location you store it. For such purposes, APK extractor lite comes of use.


APK Extractor Lite and its Features


There are several features that the basic and free version comes with. There is a paid version as well which is currently €1.04, while the free version has several ads attached to it. Two kinds of ad formats are found on the application – a single unit that lies on top as well as overlay ads. Once you download the application it will display the applications already installed on your device as well as system applications. If you wish, you can make use of the built-in search bar where a certain Android application can be typed in to find the same.

In the settings, you will find a division that demarcates system apps from apps that are installed by the user. You can switch between the two by using the top menu.





Different Save Options


There is an option provided to save works by clicking on the interface of an application. APK Extractor lite will save the application of your choice to a directory or folder you specify. The path to save is highlighted accordingly. Save location can be changed by the setting options where you can specify a different location where Android applications need to be saved after extraction.

Using a long tap allows an application to be selected along with others. This comes in handy when you wish to move several applications all at once. When executing such a function ensure that storage space would be adequate.




If you wish to save it in a certain folder, you can do so by specifying the save path accordingly. It would help you locate the app easily and log on to play games at your leisure.

There is a menu displayed for each application; here information such as installed version, data usage, permissions, and other kinds of information can be found on the app information page.



Last Words


If you thought that APK Extractor Lite was probably too basic an app for you, think again. It can act as an alternative to Google Play as well as help you back up different Android applications on your device. It is an uncomplicated and straightforward app to use with the file manager providing paths to access APK files at different locations or for transferring them to another place.